My Story…
At La Casa de Sweets I like to make healthier, plant-based and gluten free versions of my favorite foods. For most of my life, I’ve enjoyed a plant-based lifestyle simply because I think that’s the best way to eat. When I was diagnosed with gluten intolerance and an unrecognizable autoimmune condition in my late 20’s, doctors couldn’t help me feel better. As my symptoms grew worse, I developed an arm tremor, lost the use of my hands on and off for months at a time, and was so fatigued I could barely walk. I had migraines and dizziness every week, lost my appetite, and spiraled into a downward cycle of depression. I spent over a year visiting doctors (60+ visits), getting scans and bloodwork done, and feeling miserable. In one year, I heard possible diagnoses of lupus, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, brain tumors, joint disorder, and a bunch of other conditions I had never heard of. After seeing a top specialist at one of the best hospitals in the country who could only diagnose me with an “unknown” auto-immune condition, I finally decided enough was enough.
I decided to take matters into my own hands and adopted a strict grain-free diet. Almost immediately (with the help of acupuncture and prayer!) I started feeling better. My tremor went away, and after a lot of work on using my hands again, I felt almost pain free. I still maintain a strict diet and supplement regimen, and yet there are still days when I’m beyond tired and my hands fail me. But, I have come a really long way from that version of myself that had me screaming out for help. I know that my food choices helped change me for the better.
I firmly believe that a plant-based, gluten/grain free and sugar-free lifestyle is the best choice for everyone. If you haven’t already been eating this way, I challenge you to try it out for 3 months and see if you feel better! Trust me, you will.
I love to share my story and offer advice to others going through similar pain or food struggles. If you’re facing food issues, or you’d like to learn more about how to live a happy plant-based and gluten or grain-free lifestyle, you can contact me at lacasadesweets@gmail.com or reach out to me on Facebook.
Happy (healthy) eating!
My Co-bloggers

Our goal? Good-for-you food that tastes great!
God works in mysterious ways.
So in my spanish class it was extra credit if i brought in a dish from puerto rico. So i was like stressing because it was due tomorrow and i’m looking crazy over the internet for a easy puertican food dish that was easy to make… and It was kind of annoying so i was thinking to myself, God why do you make the littlest things so difficult? Then i find this site that has “puertican cookies”. and i was like like… yeah sure i’ll do them i guess. So im like gathering the ingredients and getting ready to prepare to make them… when i look over to the right and i see a “about me”. I start reading it and it goes..
Hi, I’m Jackie, and this is my sweet little home where I bake all kinds of sweet things! I’m a charity fundraiser, baking and blogging to end childhood hunger! I encourage you to help me bake for a higher cause. Please consider donating to one of the hunger relief organizations listed below. God bless your home, and have a sweet day!
…..and i was like…………no.
My names Jackie.
My last name is sweet…. This is the “sweet house”.
I’ve been to africa and seen hunger more alive than i really ever thought about it and its a huge part of my life in helping people.
Weirdest thing ever. But hey, just wanted to update you that God’s using your site!
Plus, the cookes i made…. YUM!
[…] more about her, and find links to the Great American Bake Sale and other hunger charities on her About page, or on Twitter or Facebook. Featured image courtesy of Flickr. Be Sociable, Share! […]
Loved your blog and recipes. I am from India and wanted details about your project ‘bake for a higher cause’. Would love to organise something like that here, can you help?
Thank you, I’d love to help you start your own fundraising in India! Please email me directly to get started!
Jackie! I saw your Dad today and I mentioned how I’d come across a review you did in the Ellicott City Patch and he told me about your blog. Wow. Just Wow. I’m awed by your talent and your heart for kids. It’s a priviledge to know you.
Sweet Godspeed to you Jackie!
Dr. Cindy Jun
You are so sweet, Dr. Jun!!! Miss you and hope you’re doing well! I’m so glad you like the site. Sweet baking 🙂
WHA-what? I just saw you support ADRA and I had to check… I am Adventist, too! How awesome to find you via Twitter and October Unprocessed 🙂
[…] Meet Jackie. She is just your typical, everyday Charity Fundraiser Baker who also happens to be a recipe creator and food photographer. You know, just a ho-hum kind of person. […]
Hi Jackie – This is Colleen from Neighbor Ride, the organizer that hosted The Volunteer Center’s Words into Action event last night. I checked out your webpage and saw that you’re sometimes looking for volunteer bakers. Would you be interested in advertising this need in our next passenger newsletter? We are a volunteer service that provides transportation for local senior citizens. All our passengers/client are Howard County residents, age 60 and over. I’m thinking that many of them would love to have the opportunity to give back to others by baking. If you have a minute, give me a call and let me know what you think. You can reach me on my cell at 301-807-6380.
Thank you, Colleen! I will definitely take you up on that offer the next time I’m organizing a community-centered event!
Hi Jackie
I just wanted you to know, that I just nominated you for the Liebster Award because you are one of my favourite bloggers!
I really hope you’ll participate, but if you haven’t got the time or something like that it’s totally ok if you don’t 🙂
Love, Josefine